RebornPervs●Read Bio's Page

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Country: no info
City: Stop leeching, stop freeloading. READ MY PROFILE
Joined: 3 years ago
Gender: Male
Relationship status: no info
Posted: 2919 videos
Age: 117
Sexual orientation: Straight
Favourites: 7 videos
About me: READ MY PROFILE IF YOU WANT FRIENDSHIP from 30€ and now 15€ or 150sek (swedish crowns)■ Remember you will be added to my two accounts... It is a one-time donation of €15, I've updated the payment method to include Bitcoin, and now the cost is €15 for "friendship in my two accounts" You can now pay with an Amazon gift card or Bitcoin. Please take the initiative to learn how to use Bitcoin and ensure that I receive exactly €15, as I'm not here to teach you how to use it. Send me a message to ask for the Bitcoin address or to confirm which country the Amazon gift card should be from ■■ ●■□ If you don't want to read my profile, you won't get my friendship. It's as simple as that! If you add me again within a short period, whether it's days or minutes directly after receiving my response to read my profile, you will be blocked. This is my second account (copy and paste into your browser) --> ▪︎■ ●